Similar words: prowl, on the part of, in the presence of, on the point of, the proletariat, growl, on the contrary, growling.

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(1) There was a fox on the prowl earlier.
(2) She's always on the prowl for bargains.
(3) The new administration are on the prowl for ways to reduce spending.
(4) There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens.
(5) The soldiers went on the prowl hoping to meet some girls.
(6) Our cats go on the prowl at night, and then they sleep here all day.
(7) There was a fox on the prowl near the chicken coop.
(8) Look out for burglars on the prowl. If you see anything suspicious, call the police immediately.
(9) I find Rainbow in her taxi, on the prowl.
(10) You were scratchy as a cat on the prowl.
(11) At the County Ground, the wolves were on the prowl right from the word go.
(12) Moving with the sureness of a cat on the prowl, he flitted back through the hold and outside.
(13) Major stores here had their buyers on the prowl for evening wear months ago.
(14) The cat is on the prowl for mice.
(15) Others, too, are on the prowl.
(16) He saw a hungry wolf on the prowl with his telescope.
(17) Tom looks like he is on the prowl again tonight.
(18) They're on the prowl at a handful of police stations, keeping pesky rodents in check.
(19) The man was still on the prowl around the street at dead of night.
(20) Some youngsters were seen on the prowl around the street corner.
(21) Their fellow travellers are a mix of honeymooners, single girls on the prowl and elderly couples.
(22) She always warned him, in whispered anxious tones, whenever the Bogeyman was on the prowl.
(23) Four victims so far and three fortuitous, but he's probably been on the prowl for three years or more.
(24) On the nights that Elaine went out with her friends, he went out on the prowl.
(25) Because she was wasting time when the intruder was on the prowl?
(26) Whether that means embracing the great outdoors around Denver or buying the next round of tequila shots in nightlife-oriented Virginia Beach, there are plenty of other like-minded people on the prowl.
(27) In fact, prejudice is what you want in a book like this, which works best as an annotated tip sheet for hungry readers on the prowl for overlooked writers and neglected works.
(28) If kill mistake, reverse court sentence, apologize, he-man, hesitant on the prowl, how rush the world.
(29) Oracle executives have voiced their interest in acquiring more hardware companies, and H.P. remains on the prowl, making some recent big-ticket purchases.
More similar words: prowl, on the part of, in the presence of, on the point of, the proletariat, growl, on the contrary, growling, for the present, in the past, the private sector, freedom of the press, flash in the pan, in the pipeline, in the public eye, prow, month, on the way, on the run, leprous, reprove, reproof, on the hop, on the road, on the dot, on the air, on the ball, monthly, reproach, prowess.